Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation – Wildlife conservation refers to the practice of protecting wild species and their habitats in order to maintain healthy wild species or populations and to restore, protect or manage natural ecosystems. Major threats to wildlife include habitat destruction, degradation, fragmentation, over-exploitation, poaching, pollution, climate change and illegal wildlife trade. The IUCN estimates that 42,100 assessed species are at risk of extinction.

Expanding to all existing species, the 2019 United Nations Biodiversity Report indicates an estimated one million species. It is also known that an increasing number of ecosystems on Earth that contain endangered species are disappearing. To address these issues, national and international government efforts are underway to protect the Earth’s forests. Important conservation treaties include the 1973 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

There are also a number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to conservation, such as The Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund and Conservation International.

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Habitat destruction reduces the number of places where wild animals can live. Habitat fragmentation breaks up a continuous patch of habitat, often dividing large wildlife populations into smaller ones.

Habitat loss and fragmentation by humans are the main causes of species decline and extinction. Key examples of human-induced habitat loss include deforestation, agricultural development, and urbanization. Habitat destruction and fragmentation can reduce habitat and resources vulnerable to wildlife populations and increase the likelihood of conflict with humans. In addition, destruction and fragmentation create smaller habitats. Smaller habitats support smaller populations, and smaller populations are more likely to become extinct.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant change in human behavior that has led to mandatory and voluntary restrictions on movement. As a result, people began to use the dense areas, which were previously habitats for wildlife, more often. Unfortunately, this increase in human activities has led to the destruction of the natural habitats of various species.

Deforestation is the deliberate clearing and cutting of forests. Deforestation is the destruction of habitats caused by humans by cutting down the habitats of various species in the process of removing trees. Deforestation is often done for a number of reasons, often either for agricultural purposes or for logging, which obtains wood and wood for use in construction or fuel.

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Deforestation poses many threats to wildlife because it not only causes habitat destruction for many animals that live in forests, as more than 80% of the world’s species live in forests. , but also causes climate change.

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Deforestation is a major concern in the world’s tropical forests. Rainforests such as the Amazon are home to the greatest biodiversity of any biome, making deforestation a growing problem, especially in populated areas, as deforestation in these areas destroys habitat. Extinction and more than one species are at risk. area

In various parts of the world, some policies have been put in place to prevent deforestation, such as the Forest Act of 1964, which set out to protect certain forest areas.

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

Overexploitation is the harvesting of animals and plants at a rate faster than the species’ ability to regenerate. Although often associated with fishing, overfishing can apply to many groups, including mammals, birds, amphibians, insects, and plants.

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The danger of overexploitation is that if too many offspring of a species are taken, the species may not recover.

For example, recent overfishing of marine predatory fish such as tuna and salmon has reduced the size of the fish as well as the number of fish.

Hunting for the illegal wildlife trade is a major threat to some species, especially endangered species, which make them economically valuable.

These species include many large mammals such as African elephants, tigers, and rhinoceroses (traded for their hides, skins, and horns, respectively).

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Lesser known purposes of torture include the collection of protected plants and animals for wounds, food, skin, livestock, etc.

Poaching causes already small populations to decline further as hunters must target threatened and endangered species due to their rarity and high profitability.

As the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rises, so does the level in the ocean. Generally, the ocean will absorb carbon from the atmosphere, where it can be sequestered in the deep sea and ocean; This is a process called the biological pump. Increased carbon dioxide emissions and increased stratification (which slows down the biological pump) lower the ocean’s pH, making it more acidic. Calcifying organisms such as corals are particularly sensitive to a drop in pH, which causes mass bleaching, essentially destroying the habitat for the diverse inhabitants of the coral. Research (through methods such as coral fossils and carbon analysis of ancient ice) suggests that ocean acidification occurred in the geological past (most likely at a slower rate) and is linked to past extinction events.

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Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

Deforestation is the deliberate and selective killing of wild animals by governments for various purposes. An example of this is the shark years, where “shark control” programs in Queensland and New South Wales (in Australia) have killed thousands of sharks, as well as turtles, dolphins, whales and other marine life.

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Quesland’s shark control program alone has killed an estimated 50,000 sharks – it has also killed more than 84,000 marine animals.

There are also examples of killing off populations in the United States, such as bison and swans in Montana, geese and deer in New York and elsewhere.

A wide range of pollutants have a negative impact on the health of wildlife. For some pollutants, exposure alone is sufficient to cause harm (eg pesticides). For others, it is through inhalation (eg air pollutants) or ingestion (eg toxic metals). Pollutants affect different species, so pollutants that are bad for one may not affect another.

Humans are responsible for today’s climate change, which is constantly changing the Earth’s environmental conditions. This is related to the aforementioned threats to wildlife, such as habitat destruction and pollution. Rising temperatures, warming glaciers, changes in precipitation patterns, severe droughts, extreme heat waves, intense storms, ocean acidification and sea level rise are some of the effects of climate change.

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Disasters such as droughts, fires, heat waves, extreme storms, ocean acidification and sea level rise directly lead to habitat destruction. For example, longer dry seasons, hot springs, and dry soils increase the length of the fire season in forests, shrubs, and grasslands. The increased intensity and length of wildfires can completely destroy tire ecosystems, taking decades to fully recover. Forest fires are a prime example of the direct negative impact of climate change on wildlife and ecosystems.

At the same time, a warming climate, changes in rainfall and weather changes will affect the range of species. In general, the effects of climate change increase the pressure on ecosystems, and species that cannot cope with rapidly changing conditions become extinct.

While modern climate change is caused by humans, past climate change occurred naturally and led to extinction.

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

Illegal wildlife trade is the illegal trade of wild plants and animals. This illegal trade is estimated to be worth $7-23 billion

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By 2021 this trade was found to have caused a 60% decline in species abundance and 80% for endangered species.

This trade can be devastating for both humans and animals. It has the ability to transmit zoonotic diseases to humans and also contribute to local extinction. In humans, the pathogen is spread by small animal vectors such as ticks or by ingestion of food and water. Extinction can be caused by the introduction of non-native species that become invasive. An example of how this can happen is through a by-catch. These new species will compete with the original species and take over, thereby causing local or global extinction of a species.

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Due to the predation or predation of superior animals, less fit organisms will be incorporated, leading to reduced fitness in future generations. In addition to species decline and thus endangered species, illegal wildlife trade has ecological costs. The sex-ratio balance may be lowered or the fertility rate slowed, which can be detrimental to vulnerable species. This population may take longer because the birth rate is slow.

Wildlife trade also creates problems for natural resources that people use in their daily lives. Ecotourism is how some people bring money back home, and with the destruction of wildlife, it can be a factor in hiring.

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Illegal wildlife trade has also become common through various social media. There are TikTok accounts that have gone viral for showing different types of exotic animals like monkeys and birds. These accounts show a cute and fun side to exotic animal ownership, thereby indirectly encouraging the illegal wildlife trade. On March 30, 2021, TickTick joined the Online Wildlife Trafficking Coalition. They, along with other major social media companies, work to protect species from illegal and harmful online businesses.

Research has shown that machine learning can filter through social media posts to identify clues to illegal wildlife trade. This filtering system is able to search for keywords, images and phrases that indicate and report illegal wildlife trade.

It is estimated that,

Wildlife Conservation And Habitat Preservation

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