Dog Training For Family Households

Dog Training For Family Households – When my husband and I moved from New York to Denver in late 2018, I began building the dog training business I had always dreamed of.

I started training dogs a few years ago as the founder of Play Pals, a dog walking and cat sitting company based in London and New York, because as any experienced dog walker will tell you, you only have a few dog training sessions. Makes your job easier.

Dog Training For Family Households

Dog Training For Family Households

Of course, there are many things to do, such as choosing our brand, designing a logo, purchasing a domain name, creating a website, designing and printing business cards, introducing and building relationships with potential partners in the community, and defining all of the company’s processes. and processes from start to finish, and to develop strategies and implement marketing plans.

What Our Values & Principles Mean To Us

But before I could do any of that, I had to really define and articulate what our company’s guiding principles were.

Because today’s consumers need to know who you are and what you stand for before they buy anything from you. In a world of infinite choice, consumers need to feel an emotional and value connection to a business, so if you don’t put effort into designing and communicating something that moves and inspires you, you’re sure to be missing out. A huge opportunity.

So I believe there is no better way to do this than to truly commit to a set of guiding principles that are good, meaningful, and big.

I knew I wanted to be a strong advocate of positive reinforcement dog training, not only for the dogs, but (more importantly) for their parents as well. This was the methodology used by my mentors and it perfectly aligned with my obsession and undying love for dogs and all animals.

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I also wanted to be a strong advocate for the idea that our behavior towards our dogs should be based on a genuine relationship with our dogs, not a kind of ownership where we demand obedience at all times and are happy with what they do and say. When we say, they are unhappy when they don’t, because they somehow need us to give them shelter, food, toys, etc.

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Ultimately, I knew I wanted to convey the idea that dog training is not optional. I believe that if you want to be a responsible dog parent today and choose not to train your dog (by a professional or by yourself) because you see it as a novelty, a nice-to-have, a luxury item (in terms of dollars or time), most of us can’t afford to live, or train dogs. Don’t foster, and think that getting a well-behaved dog is just a matter of luck of the draw, then you’re not being a responsible dog parent.

As anyone who’s built a brand will tell you, it’s one thing to design a set of guiding principles, and another to be able to share those principles in a concise, hopefully memorable and compelling way.

Dog Training For Family Households

For these reasons, one of our first business tasks was to create a slogan that embodies our guiding principles, not only to introduce and represent potential customers, but also to create a kind of North Star that guarantees our long-term loyalty. – Guiding principles and always refer to them.

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The North Star is a prominent star in the sky around which the entire northern sky moves. Because it is located almost at the North Celestial Pole, which is the turning point of the entire northern sky, this is a very long way of saying that the North Pole always points north, or in this case always does. Focuses on our long-term goals.

So if you don’t know what the true North Star is, it’s very easy for the daily ebbs and flows and tides of life toss and tumble around you, unconsciously slowly drifting away from your original chart. . Despite your best efforts, you lose an inch.

For many of us, this is a lofty motto that sums up what Nike stands for for many of us: win, never give up, try new things, work hard and get better every day.

As I wrote these words and the phrase above, I thought about how deeply this slogan has permeated our culture, because it only took a few seconds for the three words to reveal their different meanings to me. These words have a lot of emotional impact on how I feel about the brand.

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Returning To In Person Training

At the same time, it is easy to imagine how powerful the slogan “Just do it” can be for the company itself, since it must guide all decisions made within the company.

For example, whether they realize it or not, which athletes/stars/teams they work with affects their corporate culture, the people they hire, and their business practices.

When my husband and I thought about how we could present our guiding principles in such a concise and compelling way, we came up with the slogan that still defines our company today: “Because raising dogs means loving dogs. “

Dog Training For Family Households

I have to admit that when he first told me this slogan, I wasn’t too impressed. I didn’t think about it, but it just didn’t appeal to me the way our company’s clear tagline did.

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But against my better judgment, I saw that he added those 8 words to the header of our current website, knowing I could easily change it later.

Time and time again in our interactions with customers and their dogs, I am reminded of how much this tag represents us as a company.

Yet our tagline, our guiding principles and our branding were consistent across the board.

Like wearing a one-piece suit, it just fits and looks perfect. You may not know why right away, but if you sit and think for a minute, you might find that the color of the dress really complements your skin tone, the style suits your personality, or the fabric really balances out your silhouette. .

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Likewise, while I’m constantly reminded of how useful these tags are for us, I’ve never taken the time to really think through, break down, and put down on paper all of the reasons why our tags represent our guiding principles so well. This tagline helps us stay true to who we are in everything we do and do as a company.

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(I felt like Tom Cruise when Jerry Maguire wrote his “mission statement”)

Above all, we believe that training your dog is like loving your dog. Additionally, we believe that positive reinforcement dog training based on trust, choice and good communication is the most loving way to train a dog.

Dog Training For Family Households

Basically, we never use any training techniques that involve fear, intimidation, or punishment to achieve the behavioral changes we are looking for in our puppies, not only because we believe this is an ethical and responsible training method, but because research has consistently done so. The pack leader has been cited to justify more coercive approaches, such as dominance and alpha theory, like attempts to understand how people behave by studying their behavior in refugee camps.

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As human beings, we all instinctively understand that when others try to coerce us through fear, intimidation, or punishment, they can (with varying degrees of success) bring about the behavioral change we desire.

But I think we can all agree that while the resulting behavior changes may outwardly look like they come from trust, choice, and good communication, they can feel different to us on the inside, causing irreversible changes in our perspective. Study, effort and attitude are integral,

While it’s easy to promise that we’ll never use training techniques that involve fear, intimidation, or punishment, what does that actually mean?

First, it means that we do not encourage, advocate, allow or condone the following behaviors designed to instill fear, intimidation and punishment as part of and throughout our training program.

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This also applies to training equipment, tools and objects designed specifically for fear, intimidation and punishment.

Luckily, big companies like it

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